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Serve Day

We invite you to join us for our Serve Day on April 23 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  This will be a great way to serve our community alongside our church friends and family. We will have several fun opportunities for people of all ages and skill levels. We ask that you meet at the church before you head to your serve location so that Pastor Aaron can say a few words and send everyone off with a prayer & blessing.

Meet new people and try something different!  A few of your choices are: 

Hillcrest Thrift Store

Harvester’s Community Food Network

Pro Deo Youth Center

Cards for Caregivers

Adopt a Street Clean-Up

Pinecone Bird Feeder

Hygiene Packing for Grace Place

Raytown Campus Spring Cleaning

Lunch & The Table Transition Training (12:00-2:00 PM at Raytown Chapel)

Click HERE to learn more about each serve opportunity and to sign up.