WC Students: Trash N Dash
We will be picking up trash on our sponsored road on March 29 and then heading to grab some lunch. Bring some $$$ to buy lunch. Opportunity for community service hours!
Sign-up HERE.
We will be picking up trash on our sponsored road on March 29 and then heading to grab some lunch. Bring some $$$ to buy lunch. Opportunity for community service hours!
Sign-up HERE.
This class is for those who are interested in being baptized (or having their children baptized) or who simply want to know more about what we believe baptism represents in our lives.
Room 305
Sign up HERE.
Underground Church - April 4, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
A WC Students favorite! Bring all your friends for this one! We’ll meet at 8:00 PM in the Main Lobby.
No sign-up is required.
All appointments have been filled - thank you to everyone who signed up!
Join us for a FREE Eye Exam & Eye Glasses Clinic on Saturday, April 5 from 9 AM to Noon at Woods Chapel Raytown.
Thank you to our partners: Lion's Club and Catholic Charities!
Are you new to Woods Chapel and want to meet the staff? Join us after services for a time to meet the pastors of Woods Chapel! Bring your questions and hear about the mission of connecting people to Jesus Christ by building a movement where all are included, accepted, and loved. There will be some light snacks and a chance to meet other new people at the church.
Located in Room 305/306.
The carnival is coming back to town at this year’s Easter Bash!
Join us for our Easter Bash on April 12 from 2-4 PM.
We will have inflatables, face painters, popcorn, music, and carnival games for the whole family to enjoy!
Come enjoy the spring weather with your friends and family at this FREE event.
Sign up HERE.
Sign up to serve at Easter Bash HERE.
The Holy Week Experience will be a special service on Palm Sunday when we will remember the events of Holy Week. Join us as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
9:00 AM - Modern Service (Worship Center)
10:00 AM - Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 AM - Modern Service (Worship Center)
Easter Egg Hunt: April 13, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Join us during our normal Youth Group time for an epic egg hunt! Bring your friends and expect to go home with some prizes!
No sign-up is required.
Experience the power of Christ's love at our Holy Week Tenebrae: A Service of Shadows. The word "Tenebrae," meaning "shadows" or "darkness" in Latin, invites us to pause and reflect on the immense suffering of Christ. As we journey through this solemn service, we prepare our hearts for the joy of Easter. Join us for a meaningful time of scripture, communion, and music led by our Chapel Choir. Don't let these be ordinary days--let the contrast of light and darkness deepen your faith and enrich your Easter celebration.
Located in the Sanctuary on April 17 at 7:00 PM.
Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us this Easter on April 20.
We will have the following services:
8:30 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
9:00 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person & Online)
9:45 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
10:15 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person)
11:00 AM - Modern Service (In-Person & Online)
There will also be an Easter egg hunt after each service for the kiddos out by the Chime Chapel and Prayer Labyrinth on Easter Sunday.
Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us this Easter on April 20.
We will have the following services:
8:30 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
9:00 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person & Online)
9:45 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
10:15 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person)
11:00 AM - Modern Service (In-Person & Online)
There will also be an Easter egg hunt after each service for the kiddos out by the Chime Chapel and Prayer Labyrinth on Easter Sunday.
Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us this Easter on April 20.
We will have the following services:
8:30 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
9:00 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person & Online)
9:45 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
10:15 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person)
11:00 AM - Modern Service (In-Person & Online)
There will also be an Easter egg hunt after each service for the kiddos out by the Chime Chapel and Prayer Labyrinth on Easter Sunday.
Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us this Easter on April 20.
We will have the following services:
8:30 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
9:00 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person & Online)
9:45 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
10:15 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person)
11:00 AM - Modern Service (In-Person & Online)
There will also be an Easter egg hunt after each service for the kiddos out by the Chime Chapel and Prayer Labyrinth on Easter Sunday.
Come celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us this Easter on April 20.
We will have the following services:
8:30 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
9:00 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person & Online)
9:45 AM - Modern Service (In-Person)
10:15 AM - Traditional Service (In-Person)
11:00 AM - Modern Service (In-Person & Online)
There will also be an Easter egg hunt after each service for the kiddos out by the Chime Chapel and Prayer Labyrinth on Easter Sunday.
Join Women’s Ministry for our spring Make-N-Take on Tuesday, April 22 at 6:30 PM in the Lecture Hall!
There will be 3 different styles of door hangers to choose from.
Due to supply preparation, please sign up HERE by Monday, April 14.
This class is for those who are interested in being baptized (or having their children baptized) or who simply want to know more about what we believe baptism represents in our lives.
Sign up HERE.
Growth Track is for anyone who wants to learn more about the mission of Woods Chapel.
In-person classes will be held in Room 306 at 9:00 AM on the 2nd-4th Sundays during May.
Class 1 (Learn) and Class 2 (Discover) can still be taken online anytime. Class 3 (Identify) is the only class that will have to be completed in-person.
RSVP for Growth Track HERE.
Learn more about Growth Track and access the online classes HERE.
It has been a long winter and it’s time to step outside. CLEARR ministries is excited to host their first community picnic! On May 17, we will gather together for games, grilling, and good fun! We will be at Lake Jacomo Shelter #11 from 11 AM - 2 PM. Feel free to stop by for a little or stay the whole time!
CLEARR is proud to be part of the Recovery community of Kansas City, we are proud to offer a safe, family and recovery friendly event. As part of woods chapel, we believe everyone is included, accepted in loved. So all are welcome, and invited.
One of the key elements of Recovery is community. Being able to come together And enjoy activities is vital to the individual and the community.
All you need to bring are your flip-flops, your frisbees, or your furry friends. We will take care of the food, the drinks, and the fun!
Sign up HERE so we know how much food to bring!
20th Annual Woods Chapel UMC Adoption Resource Foundation Golf Tournament
Monday, June 9, 2025
Lakewood Oaks Golf Course
With your help, we were able to raise over $50,000 and provide seven families with $5k grants towards funding their adoptions at last year’s tournament. We couldn’t have done it without all of the donors, sponsors, players, and volunteers.
Sign up to play in the golf tournament HERE.
Sign up to join the golf tournament waitlist HERE. (Active when tournament sells out)
Apply for the Adoption Resource Foundation grant HERE. (Available year-round)
Apply for the larger grant HERE. (Available until 3/31/25)
Give the gift of family raffle HERE. (Active 4/1/25)
Join our friends over at LSR7 for their Reverse Career Fair at Summit Technology Academy! The address is: 1101 NW Innovations Pkwy Lee's Summit, MO 64086.
The Reverse Career Fair is an opportunity to hire uniquely abled students ages 16-21 looking to become employed.
Business partners will hear a presentation on inclusive business practices and then will be able to meet students in an open house format. The students will showcase their resumes, work experiences, the type of employment they are seeking, and ways to make employment successful for them in the community.
8:30 AM- 9:00 AM Presentation on inclusive business practices.
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Prospective employers meet with students guided by LSR7 staff in a open house format.
Light breakfast and refreshments will be provided.
For more information contact Matt Sessler: matt.sessler@lsr7.net
Sign up HERE.
Join us for a fun night of Bunco!
Wednesday, March 19, at 6:30 in the Lecture Hall.
No experience necessary - join us for a fun evening of this super simple game- and for your chance to WIN!
Sign up HERE.
2025 Prom Boutique:
March 12: 1 PM-7 PM
March 14: 1 PM-7 PM
March 15: 9 AM-1 PM
Details: FREE! Over 1,000 Dresses, shoes, accessories, suits & tuxedos to choose from. All sizes and styles are available.
We are also accepting dresses, accessories, and suit donations.
What we accept: prom dresses, prom-appropriate shoes, purses, jewelry, shape-wear, men's tuxedos and suits, dress shirts, ties, and shoes.
You may drop off donations at the location and times below:
9 AM to 4 PM
Monday - Friday
4725 NE Lakewood Way
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
2025 Prom Boutique:
March 12: 1 PM-7 PM
March 14: 1 PM-7 PM
March 15: 9 AM-1 PM
Details: FREE! Over 1,000 Dresses, shoes, accessories, suits & tuxedos to choose from. All sizes and styles are available.
We are also accepting dresses, accessories, and suit donations.
What we accept: prom dresses, prom-appropriate shoes, purses, jewelry, shape-wear, men's tuxedos and suits, dress shirts, ties, and shoes.
You may drop off donations at the location and times below:
9 AM to 4 PM
Monday - Friday
4725 NE Lakewood Way
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
2025 Prom Boutique:
March 12: 1 PM-7 PM
March 14: 1 PM-7 PM
March 15: 9 AM-1 PM
Details: FREE! Over 1,000 Dresses, shoes, accessories, suits & tuxedos to choose from. All sizes and styles are available.
We are also accepting dresses, accessories, and suit donations.
What we accept: prom dresses, prom-appropriate shoes, purses, jewelry, shape-wear, men's tuxedos and suits, dress shirts, ties, and shoes.
You may drop off donations at the location and times below:
9 AM to 4 PM
Monday - Friday
4725 NE Lakewood Way
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
On March 9, we will celebrate the one and only Joy Steincross and her remarkable 26 years of dedicated service to our congregation as our pianist. In her retirement, Joy leaves a legacy of inspiring worship and meaningful ministry at Woods Chapel Church. Following the Sanctuary service, Joy will treat us to a special mini-concert, and then we will have the opportunity to greet her and share our gratitude. We look forward to honoring her and the many years of beautiful music she has brought to our congregation.
Growth Track is for anyone who wants to learn more about the mission of Woods Chapel.
In-person classes will be held in Room 306 at 9:00 AM on the 2nd-4th Sundays during March.
Class 1 (Learn) and Class 2 (Discover) can still be taken online anytime. Class 3 (Identify) is the only class that will have to be completed in-person.
RSVP for Growth Track HERE.
Learn more about Growth Track and access the online classes HERE.
Join us on March 5 as we celebrate Ash Wednesday. We will be offering the following options:
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Drive-Up Ashes & Prayer + Communion
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Come & Go Ashes + Communion
Free cookies and hot cocoa will be available in the Coffee Bar during the Come & Go Ashes from 6:00-7:30 PM.
What is Ash Wednesday? It’s the first day of Lent, which is the forty-day time period leading up to Easter. For centuries, it’s been a special time for followers of Jesus to take care of some spiritual business that sometimes doesn’t get taken care of during the rest of the year.
Why ashes? Ashes are an ancient symbol to remind us of two things: First, our mortality (from dust you came and to dust you return). Knowing this reminds us to make the most of our days by living out the great commandment and great commission—Love God, love people, and share the Good News of Jesus in all we say and do.
Secondly, ashes remind us to repent. The idea is to use the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter to do some spiritual housekeeping--a spiritual spring cleaning. Just like with your home, you take time to clean all the dirty nooks and crannies, the closets where junk accumulates, and the spare room where stuff gets dumped. Spiritually speaking, we tend to collect habits, hurts, and hang-ups that cloud our lives, impede our relationships, smudge our minds, and distract our souls. We should do some clean-up work with God’s grace and guidance so that Easter can be a new, fresh, and clean beginning.
Although we often prepare financially throughout our lives, we often fail to prepare mentally, emotionally, or spiritually for new challenges. Explore Your Future is a series of interactive workshops that help us adapt when entering new phases of life, like Empty Nesting or the Encore Years.
The Explore Your Future group kicks off on February 25 and runs through March 18. They will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-8:00 PM.
Sign up HERE.
Did you know that 40% of the food produced in the US ends up in landfills, wasting resources, causing food insecurity, and hurting God's Creation? Composting our food scraps can be a clean, systematic, and easy solution! And each of us can help!
On Monday, February 24 at 6:30 PM, join the Creation Care Team and Guest Speaker Kristan Chamberlain, Executive Director of KC Can Compost, for Creation Care 102 to learn another way we can love God, love people, and love the Earth.
This event will be located in the Lecture Hall.
Are you new to Woods Chapel and want to meet the staff? Join us after services for a time to meet the Pastors of Woods Chapel! Bring your questions and hear about the mission of connecting people to Jesus Christ by building a movement where all are included, accepted, and loved. There will be some light snacks and a chance to meet other new people at the church.
Located in Room 305/306.
Our WC Students and WC Kids are working with Something to Eat to make a bigger impact for hunger in 2025! Join us on February 22, 2025, for a city-wide meal packing event to supply area pantries with thousands of shelf-stable meals.
The WC Students will meet at 11:30 AM at the SMB, go eat lunch, then serve at the food packing event. Pick up at the SMB at 3:15 PM. If you are serving as a family, you can meet at the location listed below at 1:15 PM.
This city-wide meal-packing event will be a large, unified effort to fight food insecurity in Kansas City. In one weekend, we’ll pack thousands of meals for our neighbors, living out Jesus' call to serve in Matthew 25, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me...."
This event is about more than just one day - it's about growing our compassion to serve others as a way of life.
LOCATED: Summit Trail Middle School, 22201 W 118th St, Olathe, KS 66061
Ages three and up can participate! Invite your grandparents, family, and friends to serve with you!
Families sign up HERE.
Students sign up HERE.
Come join us as Tammy Meinhardt shows us how to turn old wool sweaters into warm and adorable mittens!
Tammy has supplies we can use, but we would love to have everyone check your closets for wool or cashmere sweaters you no longer wear. Moth holes are okay!
You can then take your mitten-making skills and supplies home to make mittens for our Clothing Closet. Or take your newfound skill and make your own sweaters into gifts for friends and family.
Patterns will be supplied, so make sure to sign up HERE to ensure we have enough for everyone!
Unfortunately, grief is a part of life and is always a tough thing to deal with, but you aren't alone. If someone you know or you have something weighing heavy on your heart, we encourage you to join us in our Hope for the Heart: Grief Support Group.
This group will offer guidance and support to anyone who is on this journey so that they may come to feel the love of Christ in this community.
6:00 PM on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Sign up HERE.
Pizza & Trivia: February 16, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Join us at the SMB during our normal Youth Group time for some trivia and pizza fun!
No sign-up is required- bring your friends!
Roll into the week with a fun evening at Rink Ratz with the WC Kids on February 16 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.
No sign-up is required; just come enjoy the fun at the skating rink with us!
Rink Ratz: 513 SW Keystone Dr, Blue Springs, MO 64014
If you have any questions, please contact Elle Leonard or Nicole Brothers.
Join us before or after services on February 16 for our Serve Fest. This event is similar to our Small Group Launch but with serving opportunities that you can get involved in to help others in our community and beyond. This is an opportunity to find a serving opportunity that interests you, works for your schedule, and fits into your Worship +2.
Join us for an evening with the gals! Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 PM in the Lecture Hall the Woods Chapel Women’s Ministry will be having their Galentine’s Gathering. We will be crafting up cards and a pressed flower frame - and, of course, sweet treats!
The cost is $15 per person, and you will leave with a handmade card and a pressed flower frame.
Sign up HERE.
Hey students! Let’s meet Sunday, January 26th from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM so we can all cheer on those Chiefs in the Super Bowl! We’ll be doing normal Youth Group activities, just earlier in the day.
Hey students! Let’s meet Sunday, January 26th from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM so we can all cheer on those Chiefs! We’ll be doing normal Youth Group activities, just earlier in the day.
Join us on Mondays, January 20 - March 24, from 6:30-8:30 PM, where we will address the "Neutral Zone" of the divorce/break-up process. The focus is on the present and you as an individual, so it is important that you have said "goodbye" to your past and are ready to move on to experience a triumphant transition.
Sign up HERE.
Check out our Small Group Launch after each service on January 19th to find the perfect group for you! Small Group leaders from several groups will be in the Coffee Bar to answer any questions you have and to tell you more about their group.
We believe people grow best in community. Community, though, doesn’t happen just on Sunday mornings. It happens in homes, coffee shops, and restaurants! Small Groups focus on sharing, accountability, caring, discussion, praying, and doing life together.
Help us Tackle Hunger by filling our pantry with the most needed items right now!
Bring your donations every Sunday (drop-off during the week is okay, too!) from January 19 through Super Bowl Sunday, and our Student Ministry will be happy to take them for you.
Our pantry numbers have been rising with the colder weather, and our pet food needs have also risen. Any help you can give is appreciated.
We will be happy to accept all types of food item donations. Our biggest needs are:
Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit
Pasta Sauce
Canned Chicken
Monetary Donations
The WC Students are taking charge of the Tackle Hunger Food Drive this year! This means we have lots of serving opportunities for the students and their parents. We’ll need help gathering and organizing donations each Sunday morning! Sign up to serve HERE.
There are other serving opportunities available in the Grace Place Food Pantry on a more regular basis. If you are interested, please contact Ann Williams.
Join Woods Chapels’ Women’s Ministry for a Night of Zen!
We will start with relaxing bracelet making, smoothie bowls, and then a yoga class. $10 per person.
Please bring a yoga mat or towel to use.
This event will be held in the Lecture Hall.
Sign up HERE.
Confirmation Experience is open to students in grades 7-12. It begins January 15, 2025, with a required parent and student meeting at the Student Ministry Building (SMB) from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM.
The Confirmation Experience will meet from 6:30-8:00 PM on Wednesdays through April 30th. The Experience will end with a special service on Sunday, May 4th!
Registration is required for this experience. The $15 fee goes towards supplies that all students will use during their sessions and a T-shirt. Cash or check made out to WCC will be due at the required meeting on January 15th.
Sign up HERE.
This class is for those who are interested in being baptized (or having their children baptized) or who simply want to know more about what we believe baptism represents in our lives.
Room 303
Sign up HERE.
Have you been looking for a way to finally get on top of your money? This. Is. Your. Time. Join our next Financial Peace University class starting on Sunday, January 12th, 2025. Make today the day you decide to own your money—not the other way around. You've got this!
We will not have class on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th. Therefore, the class will run through March 16th. We will also adjust our start times for the classes depending on the KC Chiefs playoff schedule.
Free childcare is provided if you need it.
Sign up HERE.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let's celebrate together at Main Event.
Youth Group will be from 3-7 PM on January 12th. We are partnering up with Church of the Resurrection to have a New Year celebration at Main Event.
$20 gets you 4 hours of EVERYTHING including 2 pieces of pizza and unlimited soda.
Drop off at Main Event at 3 PM, Pick up at Main Event at 7 PM.
Sign up HERE.
We need YOU! We are growing and need more people on our team!
Join us on Sunday, January 12th, from 12-12:45 PM in the Fellowship Hall! Come see what WC Kids Ministry is all about!
We have a variety of ways to serve! Check-in Desk Attendants, K-5 Leaders & Assistants, and Preschool/Prek Leaders & Assistants. At all service times!
Pizza will be served! Childcare provided too!
Please reach out to Nicole or Elle with any questions!
Can't make January 12th? No worries! Reach out to Elle Leonard or Nicole Brothers, and they will get you ALL the info and would LOVE to chat!
Growth Track is for anyone who wants to learn more about the mission of Woods Chapel.
In-person classes will be held in Room 306 at 9:00 AM on the 2nd-4th Sundays during January.
Class 1 (Learn) and Class 2 (Discover) can still be taken online anytime. Class 3 (Identify) is the only class that will have to be completed in-person.
RSVP for Growth Track HERE.
Learn more about Growth Track and access the online classes HERE.