Serve in the Church

Check out the serve opportunities below!

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 Serve in the community

For The Community. For People.

Here at Woods Chapel Church, we are all for our community and for people. Help us show love, kindness, and support to those in our community by joining the team!

If you have any questions or would like to join any of these ministries, please contact Ann Williams.

  • An annual holiday opportunity to serve!

    Email Ann Williams to learn more.

  • This annual holiday event aims to fulfill the wish lists of residents at Lakewood Care Center! Residents fill out a tag with their wish list, then our congregation can pick them up and purchase the items for the resident!

  • (Partnership with the City of Lee’s Summit) – Bring your Life Group, Sunday School class, friends, and family and help beautify the stretch of Bowlin Road between the overpass and Campground Road. Contact Ann Williams if you would like to sign your group up.

  • BackSnacks provides food each weekend during the school year to kids experiencing food insecurity.

    Sign up to serve or donate HERE.

  • This serve opportunity happens once a year at the end of the summer! In an effort to equip children with the tools needed for a successful school year, we collect backpacks and school supplies for children in our area!

  • Book in Hand provides books to children in schools and non-profits.

  • A group that aims to come alongside under-resourced communities, individuals, and families and offers a tangible expression of Christ's love by providing volunteers (skilled, semi, and non-skilled labor) to complete construction-related projects and home repairs.

  • Be a Difference Maker in the life of a student at one of our partner schools by being a reading buddy or mentor!

    Sign up HERE.

  • Grace Place is a program for members of the community experiencing financial hardship. It includes our Food Pantry, Children’s Clothing Closet, and Budget Counseling.

    Click HERE to learn more and serve.

  • Hillcrest has been described as a “boot camp for the homeless", designed to educate and empower homeless families with the skills they need to reach self-sufficiency. Hillcrest operates 7 housing and service sites in 5 counties (21 buildings, 74 units) – they rely heavily on local churches for assistance and support.

    Woods Chapel has been actively involved with Hillcrest for the past 16 years. We sponsor three of the apartments, which means we keep them furnished, cleaned, and stocked with basic necessities for each incoming family; we also provide three-yearly sponsorship stipends. We are the "contact church” for weekly urgent needs. We conduct periodic drives to re-stock the Hillcrest pantries. Many of our members have donated furniture and household items and even vehicles!

    We also volunteer at the Hillcrest Thrift Store, as well as direct donations to the Hillcrest Thrift Store. Money raised from the thrift store benefits Hillcrest Transitional Housing.

  • Impact Shoes believes that the shoes you walk in are important. They believe that through your shoes you can tell us a little about your story, who you are, and where you are going.

    Working alongside school counselors and student advocates, Impact Shoes is providing brand-name new shoes for school-aged kids and teens. Through this program, kids will get to choose the style of shoe and color scheme that best fits them!

    Email Jenna Saucier to join.

  • This group aims to raise money for items schools need, such as earbuds, backpacks, alarm clocks, uniforms, coats, heaters, clothing, etc. then delivering these items to the schools! You can be involved by donating funds, coats, mittens, hats, and gloves for school kids.

  • Our Cancer Center Partnership coordinates, provides, and supports activities directly with the KU Cancer Center.

    The Woods Chapel Church Cancer Center Partnership coordinates, provides, and supports activities directly with the KU Cancer Center located near the church. Projects include:

    —Providing seasonal pins, baseball caps, turbans, hats and scarves (made by WCC members) for patients

    —Providing books and magazines

    —Providing homemade lap quilts for patients made by the WCC Quilting for Charity Group

    —Maintaining birdhouses outside the infusion room

    Volunteers work with patient care areas at the KU Cancer Center, including making patients feel welcome, helping patients fill out paperwork, making coffee, and more. Training is required.

  • Hosted each spring at Woods Chapel United Methodist Church in Lee's Summit, the Prom Boutique is a FREE event for Kansas City area students hoping to attend their prom but without the resources to do so.

    Click HERE to learn more and to stay up to date on the Prom Boutique.

    Sign up to serve at the Prom Boutique HERE.

  • Quilt while enjoying snacks and conversation with friends. This group meets on the second Wednesday of the month. This group creates quilts for WCC Mission Partners & Programs, as well as provide quilts for cancer patients. They bring color, joy, and comfort to folks when they need it most.

  • A way to be involved with our local schools! This group aims to provide staff appreciation and address/meet the needs schools may have, such as reading buddies, materials, etc. This group also works with the schools and their organizations to host food pantries or toy drives.

  • Help feed kids in our community who may not have access to healthy food during the summer months (June-August) by preparing and delivering lunches daily.

    Email Ann Williams if you have any questions.

  • In the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, the Tackle Hunger Drive begins at Woods Chapel. Join us for a chance to count and stock the food pantry with a team of people for three weeks. The Tackle Hunger Drive is a nationwide event to help tackle hunger. Come be a part of the team at Woods Chapel.

    Tackle Hunger

  • Annual drive for people to fill sacks with food to equip families with supplies needed to cook a Thanksgiving meal.

  • The Table is our weekly community meal located at our Raytown location, which is free and open to anyone in the community! There are several opportunities to make these meals spectacular: Table hosts, food preppers, cooks, and set-up/clean-up crew for a 5:30 meal.

    Sign-up HERE.

    Visit the Woods Chapel Raytown page HERE.

  • If you’re interested in helping with the ongoing effort to let our neighboring frontline workers know how much we appreciate them, please contact Missy Linder.

  • The Uplift KC Meal Team will prep one meal per month for Uplift KC.  We will meet in the kitchen off of the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM on the 3rd Monday of every month.

    There will also be opportunities to sign up to go out on the Uplift vans to deliver food and clothing.

    We welcome everyone with a heart for the homeless and who knows how to chop an onion!

    The Uplift Organization is a mobile street outreach for the homeless of Kansas City. Three nights a week, they take four sprinter vans loaded with food, clothing, and other essential supplies out to the homeless.

    They meet them at parks, under bridges, at their camps, or wherever they are. They typically serve 250-400 people each night and never miss a night!

    Uplift was started 30 years ago in 1990. They are 100% donation-based and run completely by volunteers.

    Uplift believes in the power of unconditional love and kindness. They welcome all people of good will to join them in this work!

    Sign up to volunteer HERE.

    Have any questions? Contact Ann Williams.

    Learn more about Uplift HERE.


Serve in the World

  • Fantastic News! Woods Chapel is more than halfway to our goal of building 25 homes in El Chile Nicaragua!! You have funded 19 houses already! That is incredible! Help make the final push to reach our goal of $140,000 to help those in need in Nicaragua.

    Learn more and give HERE.

  • We have the opportunity to partner with families in El Chile to bring clean water to their new homes. A well will be dug, bringing fresh, clean water to each home. The cost of the project is $30,000.  Click HERE to donate! Choose “Other” as your Fund and write “Nicaragua Clean Water” in the memo line.

  • Community Sponsorships provide nutrition, micro-loans, education, and medical care to our partner community El Chile.

    Learn more HERE.

  • Student sponsorships allow children to reach an education past the fifth-grade level. They also provide an opportunity for you to form a one-on-one relationship with a child in one of our beloved communities.

    Learn more and sponsor a student HERE.

  • This group is committed to helping our church become more responsible stewards of God's good gift of creation by lowering our carbon footprint and building a church culture that demonstrates its love for God in the careful and thoughtful ways we live out our mission. We do this by finding ways to decrease our energy use, eliminating waste, especially single-use plastics, supporting church-wide recycling and composting efforts, emphasizing the importance of creation stewardship in teaching and worship, and managing our grounds in nature-protecting ways.

    Learn more about this group and join HERE.

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